The Marxist group Internation ANSWER recognized an historic moment
2007 is the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 anti-war march to the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. The message of the 1967 march was "From Protest to Resistance," and marked a turning point in the development of a countrywide mass movement.
They planned another historic protest for this weekend in Washington DC. They wanted it to be the largest anti-war protest to date. They predicted 100,000. Then they hoped for 10,000. What they got
was much smaller than the crowd that gathered two months ago on the National Mall for a demonstration opposing President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Iraq.
And the largest pro-war demonstration to date, estimated by some to have actually outnumbered the anti-war demostraters by 3 to 1.

Photo from Michele Malkin. Go there for more photos and first hand accounts
News from that last anti-war protest, where war memorials were desecrated spread like wildfire across the Internet, inspiring the Gathering of Eagles to assure that International ANSWER and their associated groups did not do that again.
As war protesters marched toward Arlington Memorial Bridge en route to the Pentagon yesterday, they were flanked by long lines of military veterans and others who stood in solidarity with U.S. troops and the Bush administration's cause in Iraq....
Several thousand vets, some of whom came by bus from New Jersey, car caravans from California or flights from Seattle or Michigan, lined the route from the bridge and down 23rd Street, waving signs such as "War There Or War Here." Their lines snaked around the corner and down several blocks of Constitution Avenue in what organizers called the largest gathering of pro-administration counter-demonstrators since the war began four years ago....
The large turnout surprised even some counter-demonstrators. Polls show public opinion turning against the war in Iraq, and the November election was widely seen as a repudiation of the administration's policy.
Yeah, well, they were wrong. While many may oppose the handling of the war to date, it doesn't mean they want us to lose
Fully 77 percent of Americans believe that what happens in Iraq matters to their security here in the United States, including majorities of Democrats (66 percent), independents (79 percent) and Republicans (90 percent).
In addition, the poll finds that people believe the military should use more force against the insurgents. While 1 of 10 Americans think the military’s response to the continuing violence in Iraq has been too aggressive, a 44 percent plurality thinks it hasn’t been aggressive enough. A third (32 percent) think the military’s response has been "about right."
Republicans (56 percent) and independents (46 percent) are more likely than Democrats (35 percent) to think the military should be more aggressive in responding to the insurgents.
Democrats and International ANSWER are all about losing.
Well, they lost this round, so that should make them happy.
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