So some US soldiers were giving candy to children today in Iraq. The children were crowded around the Hummer collecting their treats. A suicide bomber on his way to heaven spotted the soldiers, and the children. Did he drive away and look for some harder target?
A suicide car bomber sped to American soldiers as they distributed sweets to children and detonated his vehicle today, killing up to 27 other people, US and Iraqi officials said.
One US soldier and about a dozen children were among the dead.
We hear the outrage about London. About Madrid. About New York.
But where is the outrage here? Will the editorial pages be filled with condemnation for this atrocity tomorrow?
And who among you want to leave the people of Iraq to these sub-human animals?
Forget the prospect of a large group of these killers hijacking the oil wealth of this nation and turning their diseased minds and money towards their diseased purposes.
How could you, we here in the US, turn our backs on these people and leave them to the monsters?
Like was done when Saddam was in charge...
When has ANSWER ever organized a march in protest of the murders these Jihadists perpetrate? Or United for Peace and Justice?
Tell me. When?
Before or after Saddam.
Before or after the Taliban.
Tell me. When?
UPDATE: Iraqi's march against terror.
Neither ANSWER nor United for Peace and Justice were involved.
(Coutesy of Blackfive where you can find more pictures.)
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