It appears that to certain members of the Democratic Underground, a Bush victory in November will have been a stolen election no matter the margin. What's more, some are advocating armed insurrection if such a result comes about
Ok, lets say they steal it once again, but it's made to look farely with BBV. We all know Bush is unelectable, he was in 2000 and even more so now. He has lost a lot of his base and the Democrats base is more energized than ever. So if Bush wins, we know it wasnt fare, no matter what the media says otherwise. Do you all here believe that people are really going to just sit on their asses and let these people get away with it again? I certainly hope not. Malloy has said before he can picture a civil war started. Huge, I mean massive protests. Ill be there proudly if it happens. I've heard a lot of people say "I'll just stick it out another four years and work on 2008." or "Ill move to Canada." That's BS people and Im sick of it. I guess some of you fail to realize that if we let these devils get another four years. An election will be impossible to win for Dems in 2008. You think its hard now, just wait till the whole US has Diebold. Dont people get it, Bush wants a dictatorship. Im so frustrated. Im saying if Bush "wins", we need to step up by the masses and take our country back, and we need to start preparing for it now to be better safe than sorry.
There is something pathetically amusing about people who usually advocate for gun control to be suddenly talking about starting a revolution with weapons they would ordinarily see banned.
To be fair, some advocate moderation, in a moonbat sorta way
Don't forget that that is what the NeoCons want. Armed revolution and we are the terrorists. They declare Martial Law and suspend the Constitution for the duration. The cold War lasted 50 years. How long do you think the Rabid Radical Right's war on freedom will last? Until they bomb US back into the Stone Age. Don't forget these people are worse than bigots and fascists they are Religious Zealots. They believe they are saved and we are in the way of their heaven on earth. Don't think there is going to be another chance after Nov. 2. There will not. We have to get out the vote and make sure they do not steal the White House again. It doesn't stop at the White House we have to remove the cancer that has infected our Government from every branch of our government Executive legislative and judicial. Mortgage your home if you have to but get the truth out now. We have to get the voters to the poles and we have to make sure the votes are counted. Don't vote on any Die bold voting machine. Get all the crooked voting machines DE-certified. This is like no other time in history we must act now there is no second chance.
Others, have simply lost faith in their deity of choice
Good luck to us all living under Bush dictatorship. God help us all. I've lost faith. How am I susposed to believe that a "God" created a planet in seven days but cant save that same planet by stopping this dictator. I think he wants to leave it up to us. If we dont, then we've failed him and ourselves.
It's clear, that to some Democracy, and God's grace, are only operating normally when Republican's lose elections.
"War is not the answer; unless you're a socialist revolutionary"
Update: Sissy Willis has more on a related topic
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