Now that Senator Obama has become President-Elect Obama, some encouraging things have come to light.
Last Thursday the President-Elect got his first Presidential-level Intelligence briefing.
This must have been a sobering experience because three days later the Wall Street Journal reported that
Mr. Obama is being advised largely by a group of intelligence professionals, including some who have supported Republicans, and centrist former officials in the Clinton administration. They say he is likely to fill key intelligence posts with pragmatists.
Perhaps, it will turn out that the Constitution destroying Bush Administration hasn't done so much Constitution destroying after all.
You know it's one thing to attack Power from the outside, but once you are the one responsible for the safety of US citizens, the whole game changes. Like the situation at Guantanamo I mentioned earlier: Yeah you can close Gitmo, but the underlying problem doesn't disappear. You still have to deal with it.
Back in July, once Senator Obama had essentially sewn up the Democratic nomination, I pointed out that he began sounding more like Bush and less like the guy running against Hillary.
Which, to my mind, is a good thing. At least in the case of National Security.
We could do without a third Bush term on the spending issues, but that's not likely to happen.
In fact, on the economy
If Obama were to continue down this path when he takes over in January there will only be three options open to him and the media:
- Bush was right all along
- Obama had no choice but to "stay the course"
- Bush will disappear down the memory hole. All of Bush's accomplishements will become Obama's accomplishments.
Item Three, it seems to me, is the only way Obama becomes a "successful" president.
Of course, if number three becomes the chosen path, then it will be incumbent upon President Obama not to screw things up. So for instance if we leave Iraq too soon and have to go back, that will be blamed on Obama. If Iraq remains successful, that will be credited to Obama.
If America remains free from terrorist attack, Obama can take the credit. If he dismantles the security arrangements left by Bush, and we are attacked, Obama will get the blame.
In order to accomplish Three, will feel constrained by the protocols Bush has put in place, at least in large part, because there is a record of success. And the Institutional Media will help throw things down the memory hole. So that's covered.
Now is a dangerous time. Not only is Russia and Iran testing Obama, but we are in an economic crisis that al Qaida would like to exploit. A terrorist attack on the order of September 11 2001, and its associated economic crisis added to the current one would be devastating.
And above all else, Senator Obama does not want such an occurance to happen on President Obama's watch.
UPDATE: The media recalibration on Iraq has already begun. (via Instapundit)
Exhibit A is the headline that accompanied a recent bombing in Iraq
that killed scores of people. Since the US invasion of Iraq, the
Obamamedia have used violence as a metric of how badly things were
But now that Bush is on the way out and Obama is on the way in:
It's a measure of progress that today's blasts, which killed at least 31 people in Baghdad and more elsewhere, according to the Associated Press, represented the worst day of violence since June.
Yes, believe it or not, bomb blast show how wonderful that world is now that Obama has been elected.
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