Senator Obama change you can believe in. But the Democrats promised change in 2006 too and delivered none of it.
If voters do not want to look at Obama's record while a Senator to validate his "change" cred, how about looking at how he has conducted his campaign?
It is now old news that Obama broke his promise to adhere to public financing rules becoming the first candidate to do so since Watergate. But that doesn't seem to bother folks.
Now we have validated that Obama allows and encourages identity theft in order to fund his campaign and get around campaign funding rules according to the Washington Post
Faced with a huge influx of donations over the Internet, the campaign has also chosen not to use basic security measures to prevent potentially illegal or anonymous contributions from flowing into its accounts, aides acknowledged. Instead, the campaign is scrutinizing its books for improper donations after the money has been deposited.
This story first broke by the Powerline Blog back on October 5th and reports and confirmation contined through the month (here, here, here, here, here, and here) and only recently did the Institutional media pick up on the story (here, here, and here).
Is that enough to invalidate the message of change?
No? You recall I wrote about Senator Obama's apparant dislike for the First Amendment, but it gets better. In Ohio, where a park bench is going to serve as a valid address for voters, we find that State employees were told to use official state records to dig up dirt on "Joe the Plumber"
Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK'd the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.
She said there were no political reasons for the check on the sudden presidential campaign fixture though the Support Enforcement Tracking System.
Amid questions from the media and others about "Joe the Plumber," Jones-Kelley said she approved a check to determine if he was current on any ordered child-support payments.
And she's not the only one in Ohio looking at Joe
Toledo Police have confirmed that a TPD records clerk is accused of performing an illegal search of information related to 'Joe the Plumber.'
Julie McConnell, has been charged with Gross Misconduct for allegedly making an improper inquiry into a state database in search of information pertaining to Samuel Wurzelbacher on Oct. 16...
The inquiry into Wurzelbacher's record is a violation of department and state policy governing the use of the Law Enforcement Automated Data System. The clerk is under fire for making the inquiry for a non-law enforcement purpose.
Now it turns out that Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
If Obama is elected, I'm thinking we'll get change that's unbelieveable.