So Saudi Arabia has read the ISG Report's recommendations and they don't like it much either
Saudi Arabia has told the Bush administration that it might provide financial backing to Iraqi Sunnis in any war against Iraq’s Shiites if the United States pulls its troops out of Iraq, according to American and Arab diplomats.
You see, the Saudi's are not going to sit back and allow Sunnis to be wiped out in Iraq by Shi'ites. That just a fact. A fact that shouldn't have been missed by the eminent diplomats and serious people who made up the ISG.
Oh, and you know that idea about talking to Iran? No body likes that much either.
During the visit, King Abdullah also expressed strong opposition to diplomatic talks between the United States and Iran, and pushed for Washington to encourage the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, senior Bush administration officials said.
The Saudi warning reflects fears among America’s Sunni Arab allies about Iran’s rising influence in Iraq, coupled with Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. King Abdullah II of Jordan has also expressed concern about rising Shiite influence, and about the prospect that the Shiite-dominated government would use Iraqi troops against the Sunni population.
And it's not like the seasoned thinkers should have been blind sided by this reaction: it was telegraphed weeks ago when 4 Arab nations put the IAEA on notice that they would be starting their own nuclear programs. Why? Because the last thing they want is to be in a position to be blackmailed by the new Persian Empire. If anyone is going to be top dog, it's going to be Sunni's not Shi'a.
Maybe, like the new Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, they just do know the difference between Sunni and Shi'a and therefore don't think it matters.
But it's not like such a reaction to some of the ISG recommendations couldn't have been predicted.
Unless, of course, you're not as smart as you think you are.