The reappearance of the Imam in human society after the major occultation is not for the purpose of delivering any new message, nor any alteration in the system of human life, not already provided for or implied in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. His reappearance is as the chosen executor of the divine law. He reappears with the sole purpose of reducing all religions of the world into one approved by God, namely Islam, and then seeing that it is extended throughout the world and practised by every human being. He reappears to spread justice, prescribed by Islam, all over the globe. 'He fills the earth with fairness and justice, after the earth would be filled with injustice and aggression' (Majlisi, II, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 42, p. 336).
Given that such messianic predictions, such as the ones that appear in the bible, are often precipitated by a grossly unjust world, if you were of a mind to bring about the end of times, what would be the surest way of doing that?
Perhaps, you might conclude, by doing what you could to increase injustice in the world. Just think, operating within such a framework you could convince yourself that you were doing evil for God's sake.
The "sect" of Shi'a Islam that believes in the messianic properties of the "hidden" 12th Imam are called Twelvers. Twelvers are the
Branch of Shi'i Islam, distinguished by their adherence to 12 succeeding imams, ending with Muhammad al Mahdi in the 10th century.
Twelvers are by far the largest group of Shi'is, making up around 80% of the total Shi'is. Twelvers represent the majority of Muslims in Iran, Iraq and Bahrain. They also make up large communities in Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia....Twelver Shi'i often is referred to as just 'Shi'i Islam', omitting that many Shi'is are not Twelvers.
During Iran's President Ahmadinejad's address to the UN in September of 2005, 'Ahmadinejad called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam.' and said later he felt bathed in a green light as spoke to the world leaders.
In his recent letter to President Bush, Ahmadinejad
states that "changes happen fast and come at a furious pace" and that "the world is gravitating toward faith in the Almighty and justice." Read in light of Ahmadinejad's purported subscription to the esoteric, apocalyptic return of the 12th imam, the epistle to Bush appears menacing indeed.
Regime Change in Iran reported back in October of 2005 that
The most important contemplating issue is that a large number of Ahmadinejad's close allies are talking about preparing the grounds for the hidden Imam's imminent manifestation and seriously and explicitly relate it to Iran's nuclear program. Based on informed sources in their conservative inner circles, they believe that resisting the international pressures and insisting on Iran's right to have nuclear capabilities will help the manifestation of the 12th Imam.
(emphasis is theirs)
And more importantly,
they actually believe in the spread of tyranny and oppression. They argue that if the Lord of All Ages is to appear when the world is full of oppression and tyranny, then we ought to help spread evil, tyranny and oppression in order to facilitate the coming of the 12th Imam, Mehdi.
Twisted but rational?
Perhaps, but if true, unlikely to be dissuaded by simply appealing to the ideas of peace and prosperity.
He reappears with the sole purpose of reducing all religions of the world into one approved by God, namely Islam, and then seeing that it is extended throughout the world and practised by every human being.
Well, that sounds just great
And you have to wonder, given all the bluster coming from Iran, are they really trying to provoke a confrontation as opposed to the other way around?