Dean Esmay of Dean's World snagged a real gem, in my opinion. What follows is admittedly a long exceprt of a really, really long essay. And after you finish here, go there and read the whole, long thing. You'll be glad you did.
"...To my mind, the greatest threat to democracy today is women without
men, and men without willies. Both vote more often than everyone
else... and people striving to build real houses need to stop and
I laughed a little at the mental image of the people he was talking about, for we all know them.
"I'm not trying not to be funny here. It's a serious thing. This
brood represents a large part of American society that has lost sight
of their House... a bunch that takes the existence of prosperity and
security as granted as a little girl sleeping in her mother's arms in
church. And they've lost sight in part because they don't know where it
came from, and in part because they think they're above it. They have
pretensions of being civilized above democracy, sort of like the
French... only ... and here's the rub... there ain't nothing above
democracy that is permanent. Regular people know that.
"But war has a place in a woman's heart that goes beyond mere
politics. A woman's hatred of fighting runs just as deep as a man's
love for it. Only difference is, men have done a better job of
channeling that into less deadly arenas, while still keeping the real
thing in reserve when needed. Women still ain't figured sports out.
"A mother, as you know, will defend her brood more viciously than
any man. Put her cubs in danger, look out. A man can't match a woman
for sheer meanness when the kids are at risk. Right?"
I nodded.
"Problem is, while she'll give her neighbor a cup of sugar without
blinking, she's far less apt to send her husband over next door to fend
off thugs attacking her neighbor's house. It's in her nature to rebel
against sending her men-folk to the edge of town, let alone the next
county, or godferbid, across the sea, to defend her nest. She's not
dumb, she can make the connection, she just don't want to. She'll paw
around at the ground, clench her fist and shake it at the heavens,
postpone and postpone, hoping God will relieve her of this worry. But
she won't act preemptively.
"So in the end, she's more apt to wait 'til the front gate's been
knocked down, the front door kicked in, and she's retreated to the
basement in one corner, sheltering her cubs... before she finally
decides to get mean. 'Course, by then, it's too late.
"That's why both a man and a woman make up the true House and why
the true House is crucial to a surviving democracy. They decide
After a pause, "It would help if both voted," he said with a sigh.
"You see, most politicians are natural-born cowards, and the vote is
how they get their oil checked. Politics is more emotional and less
rational today because more man-less women and pecker-less men vote.
Politicians just reflect the mood of the times. They woulda been on the
wrong side in Gomarrah, too.
Taking another peanut, "Against an enemy who ain't gonna quit, and
who will kill or be killed, in their heart of hearts mothers only see
two options.
"One, wait 'til they get up on the porch... and I just described how
that works. Well, terrorists already done that, in New York and
Washington. Only this is where a type of woman is apt to water down
just what it is to be an American. A gal down in Prescott figures that
would be last place the terrorists would come to kill, so, whether she
likes it or not, a little voice tells her that "America" don't include
New York anymore. Arizona's home. That's called "parochialism" until a
sophisticated lady thinks it.
"Well, once you admit that to your own heart, there's no question
who's holding all the cards. The terrorists don't have to blow up
Phoenix in order to get that woman to start re-ordering her loyalties.
All they have to do is cause the re-location of her men.
"In a complete House, there's a counter-balance to this impulse. In
cases of security, the husband always carries the trump, just as the
wife does in other situations. Although a woman might stomp and
screech, I never saw a home break up because of a husband or a son
voted to go past the front gate to defend the House... or to help a
"But a lot of American houses, all doomed to fall in a generation or
two anyway, for other reasons, don't have that balance anymore, so they
can't see the stakes. Those are the ones who worry me.
"I'm not demeaning women in general, as most women still won't
succumb to that nagging little urge to remove America from their House.
But you better believe a woman in Omaha, seeing her son march off to
Iraq, secretly wonders if it's all worth it, since the terrorists seem
to want to blow up places she don't really care that much about anyway.
Imagine my mother if they'd blown up the Playboy mansion in Chicago.
"All I'm saying is that, in a pinch, with all the cards played, a
mother would no more voluntarily send her son off to defend a neighbor
than a lawyer would give a refund.
"And for looking down the road, you better know moms with ten-year
olds today are looking there to. Which leads to the other option moms
secretly lean to."
"What's that?"
"Incinerate 'em. The whole damned lot. Just like Phil Sheridan and George Custer. A good Injun is a dead Injun.
'In victories he was swimmin', he killed children, dogs and wimmin', but the General, he don't ride well anymore.'
"Johnny Cash wrote that.
"It's been proved time and again that when people become so removed
from violence as to no longer be able to see its curative power in the
face of Evil or certain death, once they've used up their sparse
arsenal of non-violent tools to do battle with Old Clootie... the
over-civilized will usually try to bribe him or talk him to death...
they almost immediately lunge to the extreme and go nuclear.
"Nope, there's a lotta ways to win this fight, but none of 'em
include not putting some mother's son at risk, and too just many women
hate that, and politicians don't know how to handle that...."
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