The American Kristallnacht Now that the elections are over, you would think that the brutish tactics of the left-behind would have ended. But no. Terrorist violence is still the preferred tactic of Left. A jihad at San Francisco State University is focused against a student Republican Party. A GOP office in Chicago is the target of numerous acts of vanadlism with the latest attack involving incendiary devices. And Drudge is reporting that two high school supporters of the President are attacked with baseball bats. Trunk points us to an editorial by Tom Blankly that reads in part:
This dominant sentiment of the Democratic Party elite — that scores of millions of Americans are categorically unacceptable as fellow countrymen — is evidence of a cancer in the soul of that party. These Democrats, quite expressly, are asserting that "Christers," people who believe in the teachings of Jesus as described in the inerrant words of the Bible, are un-American, almost sub-human. Some of these Democrats would rather secede than stay in the same country with such people. If they were in the majority with no need to secede, what would they do? Their bigoted and absolutist view of religious people is at least a second cousin to the Nazi view of the Jews.
Remind me again, who are the Nazi Brown Shirts?
Update: A reader emails this story about an attack on the RNC headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Freedom isn't Free The Dutch are beginning to agressively deal with Jihadists on their own soil. Close to a dozen people have been arrested as a result of the murder of Duth filmaker Theo Van Gogh most charged as terrorists. Today, Dutch SWAT teams are locked in a standoff with an unknown number of suspected terrorists holed up in a house in The Hague after three officers were wounded by a hand grenade during an attempted raid. It seems even the most tolerant people on earth can't tolerate Islamists. Krijg het rollen. Update: lgf has much more. Looks like they're cleaning house and taking out the trash.
Givers and Takers Michelle Malkin points out an interesting difference between Blue states and Red states: Red states tend to donate more to charities.
France Surrenders Well the French have really screwed the pooch in their unilateralist approach to troubles in the Ivory Coast. As part of a UN peacekeeping force, a designation affected after France invaded, French troops came under fire by government aircraft earlier this week. The French proceeded to destroy the country's air force. Since then things have degraded terribly and the French are pulling their people out. The situation has become so bad that one rescued individual said "The government is pushing to kill white people — not just the French, all white people" Yet another success story for UN peacekeeping efforts. And the French.
Happy 229th Birthday US Marine Corps