CBS' forged documents story roundup
Iraqis show more humanity to the French than the French ever showed them.
Kofi Annan finds it "inconceivable" that the Security Council would not respond to gencide in Sudan. However, it was conceiveable when Saddam was mass-murdering Kurds and Shi'ites in Iraq. In fact he calls the war that removed Saddam "illegal". But we also remember that the Security Council refused to act when genocide was taking place in the Balkans. However, when President Clinton acted to end it by bombing Kosovo, that was not illegal. Meanwhile, Kofi Annan stonewalls the "Oil for Food" investigation. Regardless, the US continues to get the world body to act to prevent Iran from obtaining nukes. But you know the US will have to lead when all is said and done.
Beefing up security in advance of elections in Afghanistan
Blair and Ahern: Fix your political problems now
Starbucks plays role in Indonesian politics
Kerry's cool reception at Las Vegas National Gurad convention. "While Bush received seven standing ovations during his remarks to the Guard association, Kerry's speech was greeted with polite and scattered applause. His remarks on Bush's handling of the war in Iraq were met with silence." That must have been disappointing. Especially given the new poll numbers.
George Michael discovers crazed fan living under his floorboards
British Army markets their own brand of running shoe. "Just kill it"?
Missing hydrogen bomb found. Missing?
I so don't want to see this
Drunk? Stoned? No problem; you can be a juror
Can your dog hear you now?