Kofi Annan called the war in Iraq illegal, probably because he feels the war interrupted the humanitarian aid the UN was supplying with it's Oil for Food program. Oh Wait! That was really illegal. I mean "go to jail" illegal. Funny how Kofi never mentions that. Meanwhile, it would probably be illegal for a country to take on the Sudan government too. We know China is making money there, but France is never mentioned. Or Sweden, Canada, or Austria, for that matter.
Assassins fail in Afghanistan
Arrests have been made in Jakarta
Diplomats to determine just what blew up in North Korea last week
See? The Government doesn't have to do everything
Indonesia's presidential candidate pleads for people to get out and vote
CBS concedes there may be valid questions raised about their reporting
Kerry tries another tactic. What's his excuse for not discussing his plan for Iraq or the War on Islamo-fascists?
Arnold for President
Teresa Heinz: "Let 'em go naked"
Dog drives pickup truck
Theives rob bus full of cops
Oklahoma's tin-foil hat candidate for Senate claims Government put a radio device in her head in the 1970's and sends her messages that weakens her self-esteem. Some will vote for her....and Kerry