Iran is voicing their unease at being surrounded by US forces.
What, are they just now noticing?
Or perhaps they are getting to the point where they have something that is threatened?
I've noticed Iran has recently been making a lot of threatening noises. That combined with their posturing regarding their nuclear facility makes me wonder just how close they are to getting fissile material.
A few days ago, Iran warned that if Israel attacked it's nuclear facilities, Iran had the power to stike back.
Today, Iran is threatening pre-emptive strikes against US forces.
One could make the connection that recently the US has been more vocal in it's concerns regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Still, suggesting it might pre-emptively strike US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan would seem to be an empty threat unless it had some sort of Nuclear, Chemical, or Biological WMD capability.
Even so, use of any of these by Iran would most certainly turn the current regime into the former regime at the very least.
And Iran an uninhabitable wasteland at worst.
This is where the summer ends
In a flash of pure destruction, no one wins
Go nuclear. Nuclear.
The violets in my eyelids goin' red
Sentimental geek
Shut up and go to sleep-Ryan Adams