The New Tork Times is reporting more evidence of al Qaeda-Iraq collaboration:
Contacts between Iraqi intelligence agents and Osama bin Laden when he was in Sudan in the mid-1990's were part of a broad effort by Baghdad to work with organizations opposing the Saudi ruling family, according to a newly disclosed document obtained by the Americans in Iraq.
You suppose someone should clue in Al Gore?
But then again, how could he not know.
A translation of the new Iraqi document was reviewed by a Pentagon working group in the spring, officials said. It included senior analysts from the military's Joint Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency and a joint intelligence task force that specialized in counterterrorism issues, they said.The task force concluded that the document "appeared authentic," and that it "corroborates and expands on previous reporting" about contacts between Iraqi intelligence and Mr. bin Laden in Sudan, according to the task force's analysis.
But wait!
The new document, which appears to have circulated only since April, was provided to The New York Times several weeks ago,
Is this the same New York Times that last week called for the White House to apologize for stating that there were ties between Saddam and al Qaeda (ties I have documented here and here)
The same New York Times that was in possession of this document when it made the call?
before the commission's report was released.
And fact checking the Grey Lady of Record, the commission has not released a report. A staff report was leaked. Staff notes who's conclusions were neither seen nor voted on by the commission. A commission who's co-chairs have stated that their commissions findings are not in disagreement with White House statements.
Perhaps neither Al Gore nor the New York Times got the memo.