A reader sends this letter from reporter Michael Ware of Time who spent some time in Samarra with our Golden Dragons while writing this article.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Ware
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:23 PM
Subject: The 1/14th
I wish I could tell you the 19-year-old in my story was your son, but it was dark at night and shortly before the offensive and the soldier with whom I sat side by side was but a shadow in the back of a truck; we could not talk for long, for indeed it was not a time for conversation.
I can say this though: when I left Samarra your son was well. There was only one who fell and his family must surely know by now. Your boy still does you proud.
If he is of the 1/14th then I have seen his unit in action and they are the finest. They are brave and do their duty with honour, taking care of each other, like brothers, and care of those around them.
I was fortunate enough to share time in those days with your son and his comrades, and to witness their bond. It was a privilege to ever so briefly join in their brotherhood.
In their quiet moments I heard them talk so fondly of home, and of the people they love. Know Ma'am that you are in his thoughts.
My heart tells me that fortune rides with them and that he shall return to you.
I can only hope you find comfort in my words, though they do no justice to the courage nor calibre of your son and his band.
With the warmest of regards from Baghdad,
Mick Ware
TIME Magazine
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