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October 17, 2004


Patti Patton-Bader

Hooahhh, have a great R&R You certainly do deserve it!

Linda Clifford

Oh, what a wonderful picture. I can't wait until I can have one just like it! God Bless You both. Have an emjoyable visit.
Stay safe Steven. We're all praying for you.

Heather Keel

What an amazing picture! I'm so happy for your family to have Steven back home...even if only temporary. Enjoy and treasure this time.

Melody Gwinn

What a touching reunion!! It brought tears of sadness & joy to my eyes. Savor every minute together. God has answered our prayers.

Pam Downs

You're home!!! How wonderful!!! The pic is great and your Mom looks so happy. Enjoy the R&R - you deserve it.

Your Soldier's Angel


Welcome Home! I was at O'hare and witnessed your homecoming. I was wainting to pick up my brother PFC Engel and you moms reaction had me all choked up..

Heather Keel

We had a wonderful homecoming last night! My brother David surprised my mom, who is so happy and relieved to have him home, even for just 2 weeks. I'll send some pics once they are available. The emotion is amazing!

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